Educational Housing
Our world is changing so rapidly that change seems to be the only constant in everything we plan, conceive and do. Just think about the influence of social media, the digitalisation and individualisation of our society. Social issues are developing in a fast and rather complex way, where everything is interrelated. All these changes place new demands on pupils, students and employees. They, in turn, place new demands on the learning and working environment. Everything revolves around a pleasant environment that stimulates learning and lays the foundation for the development of every talent. “Education is making an impact on all aspects of life.” Education is no longer just about sharing knowledge but is primarily about the continual development of individuals. All this in a healthy and inspiring environment.
However, a large proportion of existing educational buildings are unhealthy, put great strain on educational operations, are outdated and/or no longer meet the educational needs of today, let alone those of the future. At the same time, the field of education also faces challenges in attracting teachers, providing suitable education, demographic developments and normative budgets. Current themes like blended learning, collaboration, attention to differences, entrepreneurship, the changing role of the teacher, flexibility, standardisation, the healthy and safe learning environment require a clear translation into smart, sustainable and operationally friendly educational buildings. This calls for a clear vision on education and on housing.

You don’t have to solve these challenges alone. We are your partner, who, with passion and dedication, makes a difference for educational real estate. We feel a personal connection with education. Our hearts beat a little faster when we have the opportunity to work on healthy and sustainable learning environments that have a positive impact on the development and performance of each individual. Every day, we work together with school boards, teachers, researchers, students, pupils and municipalities to shape future-proof educational environments. Our pragmatic mentality ensures a positive flow, with a focus on achievable plans and supported results, even within political and administrative environments.
We not only devise the long-term strategy for you, but we also ensure that this becomes reality. For more information about our services in educational housing and how we achieve this, please refer to (link) Strategy & Advice, Development & Preparation and Realisation & Management.
Our sectors:
Primary Education (PO, SO, IKCs and childcare)
Secondary Education (VO and VSO)
Secondary Vocational Education (MBO / ROC)
Colleges and Universities (HBO and WO)
Research centres and laboratories
Campus development
Our Track Record in Educational Housing
- 81
- Projecten
- 689200
- m2